PwC to buy Polish cloud company

PwC to buy Polish cloud company

The Outbox acquisition - which will see some 250 Outbox employees join PwC - will increase its headcount of technology practitioners to around 3,000 across EMEA.

PWC has ‘conditionally agreed’ to acquire Outbox Group, a European technology consulting business, in a bid to boost its cloud services offering.

Polish-based Outbox specialises in customer, digital and technology services and works with platforms such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle and SAP.

The deal, signed on 31 December and expected to be formally completed in February, follows previous acquisitions by the Big Four firm, including European consultancy Mokum, and Booz & Company (now Strategy&), in 2014.

The Outbox acquisition – which will see some 250 Outbox employees join PwC – will increase the firm’s technology practitioners headcount to around 3,000 across EMEA.

PwC’s UK and EMEA consulting leader, Ashley Unwin, said: “This acquisition represents a major milestone for PwC’s UK and Central and Eastern Europe alliance and its commitment to invest in emerging markets. It is also a significant addition to our customer and digital capabilities.”

Outbox managing director, Nicholas Mobbs, who will join PwC as a partner, said: “We created Outbox ten years ago in Poland. Through dedication and hard work we have tapped into the wave of disruptive technological change, leading to considerable success across Europe with our unique position around a customer first multi-technology strategy.

“This deal will provide PwC with the ability to offer a unique combination of world class skills and services, by delivering true cloud-based business transformation projects to the market and benefitting existing clients”.


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