Changing the corporate governance framework

The corporate governance framework for smaller listed companies is changing.

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has published a new shorter and sharper UK Corporate Governance Code, and the government has introduced new corporate governance reporting requirements for UK incorporated companies.

The new Code applies to accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. The new reporting requirements come into force at the same time.

Whilst the new Code is shorter and sharper at only 15 pages, the revised Guidance on Board Effectiveness now runs to 45 pages. Companies should consider both when establishing their approach to the new corporate governance framework.

What’s new?

Smaller listed companies need to prepare for the following changes:

Does the new Code contain any exemptions for smaller listed companies?

Smaller companies will continue to benefit from the following exemptions:

What are your options?

Smaller listed companies should review their current corporate governance arrangements against the principles and provisions contained in the new Code. Boards will then have the following options:

We anticipate that, for the first reporting year after the introduction of the new Code, many smaller listed companies will take advantage of this flexibility and will prepare meaningful explanations instead of seeking to comply with all of the Code provisions.

Is there a transitional period for smaller listed companies?

It is important to note that there is not a transitional period for smaller listed companies.

New corporate governance reporting requirements

Smaller listed companies will, if they satisfy certain tests, need to:

Next steps

Companies should start to develop their approach to the new Code and how they will meet the new corporate governance reporting requirements. Whilst the Code provisions operate on a “comply or explain” basis, the reporting requirements are mandatory.

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