Accountants need to balance the books, and their body

Most of us already know the physical benefits of exercise and it’ll come as no surprise that moving more can improve your wellbeing.

However, accountancy can be a stressful profession and if you find yourself facing work pressures, such as long hours and tight deadlines, then exercise can fall to the bottom of your to-do list. So how can we find more ways to incorporate more movement into our daily routines?  

With research revealing that exercise, such as walking and running, is twice as effective as taking anti-depressants and can even help with depressionbeing physically active doesn’t have to mean joining a gym or committing to running a marathon.  It doesn’t even have to be 10,000 steps a day.  

 Deciding to stay physically fit is the first step to reaping countless health benefits. But how can you stay active? It sounds challenging, especially if you’re not used to being physically active, or you don’t enjoy it, but there are simple ways that can give your mind and body a boost in minutes. 

Expert tips to add more exercise into your day:

Go for a swim  

Swimming is known to have similar health benefits to walking; it’s the second most popular physical activity in the UK.  One of the advantages of opting for swimming is that you can take things at your own pace.   

Dance away the stress

A great way to move while not feeling like you’re exercising can be dancing. It doesn’t just keep you fit and healthy; it gives you a more positive outlook on life. Learning a new dance can also help to keep your memory sharp and is associated with a lower risk of mental decline.  

Boost your mood by running   

If you’re wondering how to reduce stress and keep fit, then running is a great exercise to add to your routine. It reduces stress hormones like cortisol while increasing serotonin and dopamine, which promote relaxation and mood regulation. 

Go for a walk  

Walking reduces stress by lowering cortisol levels, especially if you venture outdoors amidst nature. The release of endorphins during walking boosts mood and can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety over time. It’s also a form of mindfulness as it provides an opportunity for reflection and a break from daily stressors.  

Get the most out of your household chores

Try taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking to work or the next bus stop to improve your exercise levels.  Housework is also a great way to get moving. You can engage in gardening, playing with your children, and doing DIY and shopping to get your heart pumping. You could also wash your car by hand or clean your windows, either of which will get you moving more. 

You don’t need to head out to the gym just because you think that’s what you should be doing. When you find an exercise you enjoy, you’re more likely to stick with it and continue doing it. By choosing an activity you enjoy and finding small ways to add more movement to your routine, you can reduce stress and anxiety while improving your physical wellbeing. 

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