CoursesACCA F4-F9 Qualifications – what’s included?

ACCA F4-F9 Qualifications – what’s included?

Your learning experience with AVADO will be unique and aims to deliver the highest quality tuition to students to help you develop and use valuable work-based accountancy skills while providing plenty of opportunity to develop professionally throughout your journey on the course.

During the initial stages of the course you will be introduced to a dedicated tutor who will:

  • Work with you to identify your career goals, aspirations and important considerations from the outset so you can study the course with confidence
  • Develop a personal schedule and pace for studying the course that fits in with your requirements
  • Build rapport so you know that there is always a friendly and helpful tutor available to answer queries or address concerns no matter how trivial they may seem

The online ACCA F4-F9 qualification will feature an entire suite of resources to help you succeed in your training.

Courses are accessed through the Virtual Learning Campus, an online platform containing all the required learning materials to see you through the course. The VCL can be accessed on all internet-enabled devices, including tablet and mobile. The course will provide bite-size learning content, frequent live classes, regular learning checks and practice tests, and tutor support to monitor your progress.

Courses includes 24-hour access the online campus, which is accessible on mobile and tablet; a course textbook; the online units outlined below; a tutor and community team; regular online live classes; revision classes; access to AVADO’s premium Career Development Hub; and a free NUS card offering a wide range of discounts to students.