Taxman gets tough over old debts

Taxman gets tough over old debts

23y Philip Smith.

Taxman gets tough over old debts

Accountants are being urged to warn clients the taxman will show no mercy for persistent late payers, as the Inland Revenue moves to speed up tax coll...

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Go on, go on, get out

Go on, go on, get out

23y Alex Miller.

Go on, go on, get out

Less than a month before the self-assessment deadline the Inland Revenue has announced it will terminate its advertising campaign headed by Mrs Doyle....

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Taxman gets tough on old debts

Taxman gets tough on old debts

23y Philip Smith.

Taxman gets tough on old debts

Accountants are being urged to warn clients the taxman will show no mercy for persistent late payers, as the Inland Revenue moves to speed up tax coll...

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Treasury keeps quiet on tax alignment

Treasury keeps quiet on tax alignment

23y Accountancy Age

Treasury keeps quiet on tax alignment

Treasury chief secretary Andrew Smith has declined to comment on progress made in aligning the treatment of benefits in kind for the purposes of natio...

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Revenue: IR35 'uncertainty' now over

Revenue: IR35 'uncertainty' now over

23y Alex Miller.

Revenue: IR35 'uncertainty' now over

The Inland Revenue today said it was delighted at the IR35 verdict, claiming the 'uncertainty' caused by the case was now over. Read More...

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IR35: Punch-drunk, but undeterred

IR35: Punch-drunk, but undeterred

23y Damian Wild

IR35: Punch-drunk, but undeterred

It wasn't the present its members wanted, but the crushing defeat suffered by anti-IR35 crusadors the Professional Contractors Group in the Appeal Cou...

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Future of anti-IR35 battle unclear

Future of anti-IR35 battle unclear

23y Gavin Hinks

Future of anti-IR35 battle unclear

It remains unclear whether the Professional Contractors Group will continue its anti-IR35 fight through the courts. Read More...

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Tax experts unsurprised by IR35 blow

Tax experts unsurprised by IR35 blow

23y Gavin Hinks

Tax experts unsurprised by IR35 blow

Tax experts have expressed disappointed at the latest crushing blow to anti-IR35 campaginers but said the Court of Appeal ruling upholding the hated t...

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IR35 judgement set for Friday

IR35 judgement set for Friday

23y Alex Miller.

IR35 judgement set for Friday

The judgement in the Professional Contractors Group appeal against IR35 is to be handed down by the Court of Appeal on Friday. Read More...

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Tax the snack policy crumbles

Tax the snack policy crumbles

23y Michelle Perry

Tax the snack policy crumbles

Fans of Hula Hoops XL applauded raucously this week as Customs & Excise backed down on plans to impose VAT on the popular snack. Read More...

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IR may knock at your door this Xmas

IR may knock at your door this Xmas

23y Michelle Perry

IR may knock at your door this Xmas

It might not only be carol singers knocking at your door this Christmas - Mrs Doyle may make an appearance too, Big Five firm Ernst & Young has wa...

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Treasury dismisses tax policy role

Treasury dismisses tax policy role

23y our parliamentary staff

Treasury dismisses tax policy role

The Treasury has formally washed its hands of responsibility for tax policy, in a clash with MPs on the Commons Treasury Committee, over the departmen...

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PCG confident following IR35 appeal

PCG confident following IR35 appeal

23y Larry Schlesinger

PCG confident following IR35 appeal

Veteran anti-IR35 campaigners, the Professional Contractors Group, are upbeat and confident after the Court of Appeal heard their appeal against the c...

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E-filing deluge faces Revenue

E-filing deluge faces Revenue

23y Alex Miller.

E-filing deluge faces Revenue

The Inland Revenue has said it can cope with the deluge of extra work that would result if e-filing of payroll returns is made compulsory. Read More...

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Revenue chief backs Accenture deal

Revenue chief backs Accenture deal

23y our parliamentary staff

Revenue chief backs Accenture deal

Inland Revenue chairman Sir Nick Montagu told MPs this week, he was confident the two year extension deal for the controversial NIRS2 computer system ...

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Experts condemn Revenue outsourcing

Experts condemn Revenue outsourcing

23y Liesbeth Evers

Experts condemn Revenue outsourcing

A £4bn IT contract is up for grabs as the Inland Revenue continues to outsource its core IT functions in the face of widespread condemnation from indu...

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Pondering 'weather' to head for a sunny holiday camp with the Home

Pondering 'weather' to head for a sunny holiday camp with the Home

23y Accountancy Age

Pondering 'weather' to head for a sunny holiday ca...

Most of my CPE reading consists of scanning the job pages of Accountancy Age. Did anyone else spot the wonderful spelling mistake on the Home Office a...

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Inland Revenue broke EU rules

Inland Revenue broke EU rules

23y Philip Smith.

Inland Revenue broke EU rules

The Inland Revenue risked breaking EU law by extending a multi-million pound contract with Accenture to operate its national insurance computer, finan...

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Revenue complaints procedure slated

Revenue complaints procedure slated


Revenue complaints procedure slated

It should be easier for those on low income to complain to the Inland Revenue about poor service, say tax experts. Read More...

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Letters - Challenge Revenue view.

Letters - Challenge Revenue view.

23y Accountancy Age

Letters - Challenge Revenue view.

I read the extract from new publication IR35 – A Guide for Contractors that was published on your website and highlighted in your magazine (What...

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Revenue staff protest for more money

Revenue staff protest for more money

23y Gavin Hinks

Revenue staff protest for more money

Staff at the Inland Revenue are taking industrial action in protest at the level of their annual pay award. Read More...

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Chris Moncrieff - The corridors of power ...

Chris Moncrieff - The corridors of power ...

23y Chris Moncrieff

Chris Moncrieff - The corridors of power ...

Edward Leigh, a hard-line, argumentative right-wing Tory, whose name is barely known outside Westminster or his Gainsborough constituency, has quietly...

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Brown attacked over renovations VAT

Brown attacked over renovations VAT

23y our parliamentary staff

Brown attacked over renovations VAT

Shadow chancellor Matthew Taylor has demanded the scrapping of the 5% concessionary rate of VAT on the cost of renovations, to be replaced by the prev...

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PwC says Brown may defer tax rises

PwC says Brown may defer tax rises

23y Michelle Perry

PwC says Brown may defer tax rises

Consistent funding of public services may force the chancellor to defer anticipated tax rises in his next Budget, PricewaterhouseCoopers has warned. R...

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No need for tax rises, E&Y warns Brown

No need for tax rises, E&Y warns Brown

23y Philip Smith.

No need for tax rises, E&Y warns Brown

Ernst & Young's ITEM Club has warned the chancellor there is no need for tax increases in the next Budget, saying such a move would be damaging to...

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Tax credits 'to cost billions'

Tax credits 'to cost billions'


Tax credits 'to cost billions'

The government's new employment tax credit for low-wage workers and the integrated child credit for families with children could cost around Pounds 2....

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FATF commits to fight terror money

FATF commits to fight terror money

23y Philip Smith.

FATF commits to fight terror money

The Financial Action Task Force has formally expanded its role to fight terrorist finances in addition to money laundering. Read More...

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