Now is the right time to invest in travel and expense management software

Now is the right time to invest in travel and expense management software

5y Sébastien Marchon

Now is the right time to invest in travel and expe...

By Sébastien Marchon, Rydoo CEO

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Expense automation: Why the real divergence is between digital and analogue companies

Expense automation: Why the real divergence is between digital and analogue...

5y Tom Lemmon

Expense automation: Why the real divergence is bet...

A report by Caxton FX finds that nearly two thirds of SMEs haven’t automated expense processes, while nine in 10 large companies have. Read More...

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Tech Series: Automating the expense management process

Tech Series: Automating the expense management process

6y Tom Lemmon

Tech Series: Automating the expense management pro...

Accountancy Age caught up with travel and expense report management software provider Certify’s sales director, Paul Crawley, at Accountex last week t...

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