Rise in insolvency and creditor action expected

Rise in insolvency and creditor action expected

5y Jeremy Chan

Rise in insolvency and creditor action expected

Practitioners braced for “storm” of activity

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Personal insolvencies more common among woman, coastal dwellers and those in North East

Personal insolvencies more common among woman, coastal dwellers and those i...

6y Chris Jewers

Personal insolvencies more common among woman, coa...

Personal insolvencies are more common among woman, people who live by the sea or people living in the north east, according to 2018 statistics. Gender...

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Late payments like "crack cocaine" for large businesses
Business Recovery

Late payments like "crack cocaine" for large businesses

6y Tom Lemmon

Late payments like "crack cocaine" for large busin...

Large corporations are relying on late payments and governments must better understand the scale of the problem, says Duncan Swift, new president of R...

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Insolvency and ‘zombie businesses’

Insolvency and ‘zombie businesses’

6y Emanuela Hawker , Reporter

Insolvency and ‘zombie businesses’

What is a ‘zombie business’? And how did AIM-listed companies fare in 2018? Read More...

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Why is the UK behind on insolvency reform?

Why is the UK behind on insolvency reform?

6y Beth McLoughlin

Why is the UK behind on insolvency reform?

UK stays at 14th place in World Bank rankings for Resolving Insolvency amid calls for corporate insolvency reform Read More...

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Rise in personal and corporate insolvencies for Q1 2017

Rise in personal and corporate insolvencies for Q1 2017

8y Accountancy Age

Rise in personal and corporate insolvencies for Q1...

Statistics published by the Insolvency Service show that corporate insolvencies have risen 4.5% from Q4 2016 to Q1 2017, with personal insolvencies ri...

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Insolvency trade body R3 appoints new president

Insolvency trade body R3 appoints new president

8y Accountancy Age

Insolvency trade body R3 appoints new president

Adrian Hyde, a partner at CVR Global, has been appointed as the new president for a year-long term, effective 21 April this year Read More...

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New insolvency rules: What are the changes and how will you be affected?

New insolvency rules: What are the changes and how will you be affected?

8y Accountancy Age

New insolvency rules: What are the changes and how...

New insolvency rules enter into effect on 6 April 2017. Caroline Sumner of R3 discusses what the changes mean for the insolvency profession Read More...

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Corporate insolvency framework: Maintaining a competitive edge

Corporate insolvency framework: Maintaining a competitive edge

8y Accountancy Age

Corporate insolvency framework: Maintaining a comp...

Andrew Tate of insolvency and restructuring trade body R3 examines the government's proposed changes to the UK's insolvency and restructuring framewor...

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New government fees will undermine insolvency regime, R3 warns
Business Recovery

New government fees will undermine insolvency regime, R3 warns

9y Richard Crump , Writer

New government fees will undermine insolvency regi...

By threatening creditor returns, the government could undermine the UK’s World Bank insolvency ranking and cost creditors £8m a year, trade body R3 wa...

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April tax change heralds record number of solvent company liquidations
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April tax change heralds record number of solvent company liquidations

9y Chris Warmoll , Writer

April tax change heralds record number of solvent ...

Change introduced to stop individuals ‘storing up’ profits in one company, winding it up and paying a reduced rate of CGT before starting again with a...

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Brexit and auto-enrolment pensions top list of business concerns

Brexit and auto-enrolment pensions top list of business concerns

9y Fraser Simpson , Reporter

Brexit and auto-enrolment pensions top list of bus...

Nearly a quarter of UK firms fear Brexit will have a significant financial impact on their business Read More...

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Interview: R3 president Andrew Tate
Business Recovery

Interview: R3 president Andrew Tate

9y Chris Warmoll , Writer

Interview: R3 president Andrew Tate

Suggestion R3 has 'rolled over' in face of government pressure is false, incoming president Andrew Tate tells Accountancy Age Read More...

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Company insolvencies rise, but wider trend is down
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Company insolvencies rise, but wider trend is down

9y Chris Warmoll , Writer

Company insolvencies rise, but wider trend is down

The 5.4% rise is the first uptick since Q1 2014, primarily caused by a big surge in compulsory winding-up orders in Q1 2016 Read More...

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R3 calls for creditor 'breathing space' to help turn companies around
Accounting Standards

R3 calls for creditor 'breathing space' to help turn companies around

9y Chris Warmoll , Writer

R3 calls for creditor 'breathing space' to help tu...

A short moratorium will give struggling companies a chance to be open with their creditors and negotiate a way out of their problems transparently, sa...

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Scottish insolvency levels continue long-term decline
Business Recovery

Scottish insolvency levels continue long-term decline

9y Chris Warmoll , Writer

Scottish insolvency levels continue long-term decl...

Out of a dozen sectors profiled only oil and gas and manufacturing were deemed to have a higher than normal risk of insolvency Read More...

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R3 cautiously welcomes advent of simpler bankruptcy regime
Business Recovery

R3 cautiously welcomes advent of simpler bankruptcy regime

9y Chris Warmoll , Writer

R3 cautiously welcomes advent of simpler bankruptc...

Applications will now be assessed by a government adjudicator rather than a judge Read More...

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54% of IPs see HMRC as 'unhelpful'
Accounting Standards

54% of IPs see HMRC as 'unhelpful'

9y Chris Warmoll , Writer

54% of IPs see HMRC as 'unhelpful'

Nearly three-in-four IPs believe HMRC has made the insolvency process harder to manage over the past few years Read More...

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ICAEW issues 800th insolvency practitioner license
Business Recovery

ICAEW issues 800th insolvency practitioner license

9y Chris Warmoll , Writer

ICAEW issues 800th insolvency practitioner license

The UK's insolvency profession helped rescue approximately two in five insolvent businesses in 2013/14 Read More...

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113,000 businesses owed money by insolvents in 2015
Business Recovery

113,000 businesses owed money by insolvents in 2015

9y Chris Warmoll , Writer

113,000 businesses owed money by insolvents in 201...

Medium-sized businesses employing 51-250 staff most likely to have been exposed to another firm or individual's insolvency Read More...

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Redundancy/insolvency consultation misses ‘workable solution’

Redundancy/insolvency consultation misses ‘workable solution’

9y Richard Crump , Writer

Redundancy/insolvency consultation misses ‘workabl...

Government's position remains that there is no conflict between insolvency law and employment law, but further discussions scheduled Read More...

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'Zombie' companies dying out, according to R3
Business Recovery

'Zombie' companies dying out, according to R3

9y Richard Crump , Writer

'Zombie' companies dying out, according to R3

Number of businesses just paying the interest on their debts - a key characteristic of ‘zombie businesses' - has plummeted, research finds Read More...

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Interview: R3 president Phillip Sykes
Accounting Standards

Interview: R3 president Phillip Sykes

10y Richard Crump , Writer

Interview: R3 president Phillip Sykes

Lobbying government and bedding down legislative changes are priorities for new R3 president Phillip Sykes Read More...

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MoJ backs down over scrapping insolvency litigation exemption
Business Recovery

MoJ backs down over scrapping insolvency litigation exemption

10y Richard Crump , Writer

MoJ backs down over scrapping insolvency litigatio...

Government in climb down over controversial plans to scrap insolvency litigation exemption from no-win-no-fee legal reforms Read More...

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Government to protect essential supplies for failing businesses
Business Recovery

Government to protect essential supplies for failing businesses

10y Richard Crump , Writer

Government to protect essential supplies for faili...

Key suppliers will be banned from cutting off essential services to businesses during rescue talks under a new government guarantee Read More...

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IPs and government on collision course over litigation exemption
Business Recovery

IPs and government on collision course over litigation exemption

10y Richard Crump , Writer

IPs and government on collision course over litiga...

Long-running dispute between practitioners and policymakers around no-win-no-fee reignites Read More...

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R3 calls on next government to commit to insolvency reforms

R3 calls on next government to commit to insolvency reforms

10y Richard Crump , Writer

R3 calls on next government to commit to insolvenc...

Insolvency reforms needed for better deal for small businesses, taxpayers, and indebted individuals, R3 says Read More...

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